People today don’t carry cash too often, and we are quickly getting out of the habit of writing checks. For many of us, especially Gen X and Millennial folks, much of our banking and bill paying is done online. The Church knows this and has a way for you to make your financial support of your church easy, secure and in keeping with how you do things in other parts of your life.
Online giving offers you many options to customize your giving in a way that best fits you.
We are grateful for the support you give to your church!
For Faith Formation payments, you may send $5 weekly, $22 monthly, $65 quarterly, or $260 yearly, per family. Thank you for registering!
Select the following button to access Electronic Giving
St. Patricks has offered an Electronic Giving Program for many years. We at St. Patricks managed the process completely with your authorization. We are going to continue this program but also add the ability for you to manage your own giving online if this is something that you would rather do. We wanted to provide you the ability to give the way you want, whenever you want. Online Giving offers you the opportunity to make secure, automatic contributions from your bank or credit card.
There are two ways of giving, INDEPENDENT which is where you manage your giving and MANAGED where St. Patricks manages your giving for you.
If you currently give electronically and do not want to change anything, you do not have to, we will continue MANAGING it for you.
If you are currently not giving electronically and would like to do so as an INDEPENDENT GIVER, click the online giving button to the right which will bring you to the Welcome page, then just click on the Create New Account button and follow the simple instructions. The video above is a quick walk through to setting up your account.
If you chose to be an INDEPENDENT GIVER and currently give electronically to St. Patrick's, e-mail Liz at for information. This will save you set up time, all of your current giving has been set up.
If you are not currently giving electronically and would like to have us handle your account as a MANAGED GIVER please click on the form to the right that says Electronic Pay Form fill it out and return it to Liz and we will handle the account set up and management for you.
The Online Giving Program costs you nothing and provides many advantages to you and to St. Patricks. A couple of benefits to you include, no longer having to remember to write the check, put it in the envelope and remember to bring it to church. Forget having to remember to stop at the ATM for cash on the way to church and you can get your credit card points for all your transactions. A couple of benefits for St. Patricks are that your gifts are automatically deposited into our account and your donation is logged into your record for year end tax reports.
We ask that you consider this service especially if you currently manage your bills or banking online. Continue to look here for more information over the next few weeks. If you have any questions, please call Liz Baker at 508-234-5656 or e-mail at
The attached form authorizes St. Patrick’s Parish to automatically withdraw from your bank account or to charge to your credit card the amounts you specify. Withdrawals and charges will be made on an ongoing basis according to the frequency selected. You may terminate your participation at any time by submitting another signed form and indicating “Cancel Account”.
Weekly withdrawals are processed each Monday. Monthly withdrawals and credit card charges are processed the 1st day of each month.