If you wish to make a donation to support our new ministry, you may do so by going to our home page and click onto online giving or contact the rectory and speak to Jackie (508)234-5656 or email us either at Shelly@mystpatricks.com
You may also mail the check to John 21 Community Breakfast, 7 East St. Whitinsville, Massachusetts
Join us and make a difference.
You can make a one-time donation using the "Donate" button or you can become a sustaining supporter by making a monthly donation using the "Subscribe" button.
Job Well Done! we have now served over 45,000 meals
since we began in February 2014.
We have been able to do so with the help of over 150 volunteers as well as grants and donations. Thank you to everyone for your stewardship of time talent and treasure which has fed so many hungry people. We are truly blessed!
St. Patrick’s John 21 Community Breakfast ministry provides a free, nutritious breakfast every Saturday morning in the spirit of community fellowship and hospitality at St. Patrick’s Parish Center.
We are always in need of funding for this important outreach ministry. If you would like to donate in someone’s name or in any way to this valuable ministry, please call Shelly at the parish office, 508-234-5656.
Would you like try being part of a team? We can always use help.