We, the community of St. Patrick Church, wish to congratulate Jennifer and share the good news of her upcoming reception into the full communion in the Catholic Church with all of you. Jen will receive the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil this week.
Jen's reflection:
My journey through the RCIA process has been truly amazing. The RCIA team has welcomed me with open arms and invited me into their homes to share their knowledge and help me grow in my faith. Each member has supported me and I am so grateful for the time they have invested in me. This is just the beginning of my journey with God and I am excited to see where it leads. This process has been a very moving experience and has forever changed me. I cannot wait to be fully initiated into the Catholic faith and be part of our church community. I want to thank the RCIA team, Deacon Patrick, Father Tomasz, my sponsor Tammy and my family for supporting me.
- Jennifer Robertson
Tammy's reflection (Jen's sponsor):
When I take time to reflect on what it has meant to be my sister-in-laws' sponsor as she journeys towards becoming a full member of our Faith, I find myself overwhelmed by so many thoughts and emotions.
Jen first asked me to walk with her on this journey during a time in my life when I felt I could not devote the time it took to be true to the task. Having just lost my dad, my wounds were fresh.
Being brought to faith as a young girl by my own parents, the greatest gift they could ever have imparted was my Faith in Jesus Christ. A season went by, and I was ready to be for Jen what she asked of me. Little did I know what was in store for me...
We began with weekly lesson plans with members of the RCIA Team. Each week, a different, beautiful home was opened to us. Each week, a different, beautiful, awe-inspiring soul met us. I cannot tell you how much love has grown in the depths of me, for each and every one of these 'beautiful souls'. Not for what they taught us. (Yes, we learned a lot) But, for what they gave. Love. When I was little, I had trouble understanding 'God'. I mean He was just so Big! "What do you mean, He created everything? He is everywhere?" My dad would calm me down, simply saying Tammy, 'God is Love'.
So, when I reflect on this journey with Jen, the only word that makes any sense to me is Love. The RCIA Team has witnessed first hand Jen's authentic spirit. I am humbled to be near her as she fulfills a soul desire. I stand in awe at the love that abounds in this place.
- Tammy Robertson
We extend a warm welcome to those of you who do not regularly attend Saint Patrick’s for worship, and invite you to return. Perhaps the RCIA program has something special to offer you or someone you know.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of preparation and study with the members of the parish to become a member of the Catholic Church. It is open to:
Any un-baptized person interested in learning more about the Catholic faith.
Any baptized non-Catholic who wishes to become a member of the Catholic Church.
Any baptized Catholic who might not have received the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation.