The weekend of November 14 & 15 will be Stewardship Sunday. It’s all about celebrating our parish and all the great work we do here. It’s also the single weekend of the year when we reflect on giving here in our local parish community.
As part of our observance of Stewardship Sunday we will be hosting our first annual Parish finance meeting. Members of our Finance Committe will be presenting budgets for 2015 and 2016 and will be available to answer questions.This meeting is intended for parishioners but open to anyone who’s interested, no sign up is necessary.
On Sunday, November 22, 2pm in the Parish Center.
November 2015
I hope this letter finds you well. For the last two years, fall has been the time of year when I present you with our parish budget and ask you to pledge your contribution to our parish. Last Sunday, we also held an open finance committee meeting to foster an attitude of transparency. Everyone was invited to attend.
Why do we do it every year? It is important that year after year we reflect on our stewardship at our homes and in our parish community. St. Patrick’s mission is to build a community of givers. Why? - Because, generosity is contagious. Generosity is good for you, for all parishioners, and for our community.
As we look forward to the future of St. Patrick’s and engage in the pastoral planning, we need to find creative ways to balance our budget while at the same time ensure that pastoral and financial needs of our community are met. You know better than I what it costs to run a household.
What you contribute financially makes a difference. I ask you to continue to support our parish and prayerfully increase your weekly contributions by 1% if you can do so. The Bible invites us to give 10% back to God. That may be a steep hill to climb for many, so starting with a 1% increase starts you on toward that goal and gives you an opportunity to grow in your generosity. And remember, generosity is good for you and your family.
Enclosed you will find an Intent Card for you to pledge your commitment of financial support. Please take a moment to reflect on the blessings God has bestowed upon you and make your commitment a response to God’s blessings.
I ask that you please complete the enclosed Intent Card and return it in the next two weeks. You can place it in the collection basket on Sunday, mail it to us or fill it out online.
Also enclosed are some stewardship highlights to help you make your decision as to how to best serve your Parish and some suggested guidelines for your family giving.
Please consider giving electronically if you are not already doing so. More and more members of St. Patrick’s give on-line and it has made a huge difference last year. In addition to being convenient for you, automatic giving is the way people tend to give these days. I invite you to watch the simple video which explain online giving provided by parishsoft.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Tomasz Borkowski
How much of my TIME, TALENT & TREASURE should I share with my Parish Family?
It is a very personal decision to make. It is truly a decision made in prayer between you and God. Stewardship is a dialogue that takes place first in your heart and then with your family.
God does not judge us by how much we give, but by how and why we give and by whether we are faithful to that gift at all times – be it our time, our talents or our treasure.
Please, know that we are grateful for any gift that you choose to share with us. We love you and we care about you.
As you make your decision abut embracing the way of stewardship in our parish, please eep in mind that your gift of treasure, time, and talent are meant to be:
Stewardship does not ask us to give what we can’t.
It asks us to give what we can and to do so simply out of love and gratitude. The Bible gives us a guide for sacrificial giving. Consider:
Every one of us can be a sacrificial and grateful giver.
It is important that our stewardship is thoughtful and intentional. Therefore, we invite you to:
First look at what you are givig now, take a step in faith and increase your gift from 1% to 2% and gradually increase your percentage every year. There my be also circumstances that will make it necessary to decrease your giving due to unforeseen reasons.
Above all put your trust in God. Generosity is a wonderful way of life.
Think and pray about this simple fact as you make your decision with respect to your gift of treasure, time, and talent:
2.5% usually amounts to ONE HOUR PAY – that might be a good starting point!
ONE HOUR PAY, ONE TALENT, ONE HOUR OF YOUR TIME (in addition to going to church on Sunday) to build up ONE COMMUNITY IN CHRIST.