The Welcoming Committee is a group of Parish members dedicated to ensuring a welcome to all new members of the Parish family. This is attained by making up “Welcome Baskets” for each new family and delivering them to their homes. Each basket is unique to the family and consists of a baked good, gifts for parents as well as for each child in the family, religious card of St. Patrick’s, and Parish and community information.
The committee meets once a month after the 10:00 AM mass. Also, once a year we have an Open House for all families registered in the Parish during the year. This provides an opportunity for new families to meet other new families as well as all members of the Parish family who are also invited to the Open House.
It is the responsibility of some to purchase items for the baskets. Others see that there are baked goods, pamphlets, name tags, etc. Everyone is required to assist with the Open House.
The work for the Welcoming Committee provides a great deal of satisfaction by bringing a feeling of welcome and community to the new members of our St. Patrick’s Parish Family.